Mabamba Wetlands is one of Uganda’s 33 important bird areas and, since 2006, a Ramsar-listed wetland of international importance. This papyrus swamp is on the shores of Lake Victoria and home to several pairs of Shoebills, Uganda’s most famous avian resident. This charismatic species, the only representative in its family, is certainly amongst the most sought-after birds in Africa and, during the visit of Mabamba Wetlands, special efforts will be made to find them by paddling through the channels by boat. Other birds, among the 260 species that can be seen in this reserve, include Pink backed Pelican, Long tailed Cormorant, Goliath Heron, African Fish Eagle, African Marsh Harrier, Yellow billed Duck, and Malachite Kingfisher – along with slightly more local species such as Long-toed Plover, Blue-breasted Bee eater, Blue headed Coucal, Papyrus Gonolek, Papyrus Canary, Swamp Flycatcher, White-winged Tern, African Jacana and Papyrus Yellow Warblers.