Typical day seeking polar bear cubs

A typical day seeking polar bear cubs unravels as follows. After waking up around 07:00 and enjoying a hearty breakfast, a briefing is held around 08:15 to explain the day and the itinerary to research dens and polar bears. The participants then get prepared and put on their special low temperature clothes to make a start at 09:00 in the specialist track vehicles.

The morning is often spent exploring the edges of the frozen lakes of the region as this is where the mother bears dig their hibernation dens and it is possible to see them emerge with their cubs. This research is supported by a number of very experienced trackers who roam the region using skydoos to spot bear footprints or dens.

When bears are spotted, the vehicles are positioned at a safe distance of 50 to 100 metres. The observation and photography can be done either from vehicles or, more frequently, from outside. A tripod is then convenient to rest your camera with your tele-lens. A simple but hot lunch is served in the vehicles.

The return to the lodge takes place at dusk around 18:00 ​​and a large hot dinner awaits the participants at their arrival. Evenings are mostly devoted to the Northern Lights that are readily observable and can be photographed from the immediate vicinity of the lodge.


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